Links to WUSS's library

WUSS has a very extensive library. Below are links to indexes of newsletters of US grottos, international grottos, and various caving organizations. You'll also find a link to an index of our books and movies. Depending on circumstances, we may be able to send photocopied articles to those who request them. A small fee for postage will be required.

Due to the size of the tables, none of the links below have links to the rest of the site. To return to the main library page, please use either the link at the bottom of the table or your browser's back button.

If your organization has a publication that isn't in our library, please consider adding WUSS to your mailing list. We'd love to trade with you.

Our address is:

Wittenberg University Speleological Society
c/o Horton H. Hobbs
Dept. of Biology
Wittenberg University
P.O. Box 720
Springfield, OH 45501-0720

US Grotto Newsletters (by state)

State Grotto Name Extant? Name of Publication Start Date End Date 2nd Start Date 2nd End Date
Alabama Birmingham Grotto Y Birmingham Grotto News Feb. 76 Apr. 2003
Alabama Central Alabama Grotto Y Alabama Underground
Alabama Cullman Grotto Y The Flowstone Jun. 84 present
Alabama Gadsden Grotto Y Gadsden Grotto News Jun. 84 Jun. 84
Alabama Huntsville Grotto Y Huntsville Grotto News Sept. 72 Jan. 06
Alabama Montgomery Grotto Y Inner Space News Oct. 94 Jan. 95
Alabama Northeast Alabama & Gadsden Grottos NAG Digest & GG Newsletter Jul. 87 Sept. 90
Alaska Glacier Grotto Y Alaskan Caver Jun. 81 Apr. 97
Arizona Central Arizona Grotto Y Cave Crawler's Gazette Fall 77 Spring 79
Arizona Escabrosa Grotto Y Desert Caver Mar. 66 Jun. 00
Arizona UACC Grotto N UACC News Aug. 66 Dec. 67
Arkansas Boston Mountain Grotto Y Boston Mountain Underground Spring 95 present
Arkansas Little Rock Grotto Y AR Undergound Feb. 97 35551
Arkansas Razorback Speleological Society N AR Speleologist Spring 61 Spring 61
California Mother Lode Grotto Y Valley Caver Jan. 71 Winter 99
California San Francisco Bay Chapter Y S.F.B.C. Newsletter Jul. 81 Nov. 06
California Southern California Grotto Y Pacific Caver 66? 66?
California Southern California Grotto Y The Explorer May. 73 May. 98
California Western Region of the NSS Y California Caver Dec. 59 present
Colorado Colorado Grotto Y Caving in the Rockies 59 Sum. 83
Colorado Colorado Grotto Y CO Speleogram Apr. 60 Dec. 63
Colorado Colorado Grotto Y Rocky Mountain Caving Fall 84 Fall 96
Colorado Colorado State Outing Club ? Hard Hat News Oct. 75 Mar. 76
Colorado Southern Colorado Mountain Grotto Y Pueblo Underground Bulletin Mar. 81 Oct. 81
Connecticut Yale Speleological Society ? Journal of the Yale Speleological Society Nov. 58 Nov. 66
Delaware Commander Cody Grotto Y Commander Cody Chronicle Winter 82 Fall 06
Florida Florida Speleological Society Y The Florida Speleologist Spring 60 Winter 91
Florida Florida State Cave Club N Florida State Caver Spring 71 May. 90
Florida Tampa Bay Area Grotto Y Tampa Bay Caver Oct. 91 Dec. 95
Georgia Clayton County Cavers Y TAG Line Mar. 84 Mar. 84
Georgia Dogwood City Grotto Y Georgia Underground Fall 64 present
Georgia Georgia Speleological Society N The Georgia Spelunker Sept. 57 Fall 65
Georgia Georgia Speleological Survey Y GSS Bulletin 71 71
Idaho Gem State Grotto Y Gem Caver May. 81 Sept. 84
Illinois Little Egypt (Student) Grotto Y Crawlway Courier Fall 66 Mar. 00
Illinois Mark Twain Grotto N Echoes Summer 94 Nov. 00
Illinois Mid-Illinois Grotto Y Newsletter of the MIG (Annuals?) Oct. 68 Sept. 72
Illinois Rock River Speleological Society Y The Rock River Irregular Summer 84 Spring 06
Illinois Windy City Grotto Y Windy City Speleonews Jun. 61 Sept. 07
Indiana Bloomington Indiana Grotto Y BIG Newsletter Jan. 58 May. 06
Indiana Central Indiana Grotto Y CIG Newsletter Jun. 59 present
Indiana Evansville Metropolitan Grotto Y Petroglyph Jul. 75 Jun. 07
Indiana Explorer Post 27 N Underground Jun. 71 Jan. 72
Indiana Indiana Scientific Speleological Association N Borehole May. 97 Mar. 98
Indiana Indiana University Spelunking Club Y Speleotymes Apr. 70 Jan. 76
Indiana Mid-Hoosier Grotto N Mid-Hoosier Grotto News Nov. 87 Oct. 96
Indiana Northern Indiana Grotto Y The Michiana Caver Jan. 82 Jun. 06
Indiana Southern Indiana Speleo Group N SISG Speleo News 72? 72?
Indiana Southern Indiana Speleo Group N Speleo Epitaph Mar. 70 Mar. 70
Indiana St. Joseph Grotto Y The Subterranean Voice Aug. 97 Apr. 07
Indiana Central Indiana Grotto Y Cave Capers Guidebook 84 86
Indiana Eastern Indiana Grotto Y Indiana Caver Jan. 95 Jan. 99
Iowa Iowa Grotto Y Intercom 65 Jan. 07
Kansas Kansas Speleological Society Y Kansas Caves 87 87
Kansas Kansas Speleological Society Y Kansas Kaver Oct. 87 Jul. 98
Kentucky Blue Grass Grotto Y The Kentucky Caver Jul. 82 Spring 97
Kentucky Eastern States Speleological Organization Y ESSO-Bee Jan. 89 Apr. 92 Nov. 05
Kentucky Evansville Metropolitan Grotto N MVOR Guidebook 84 84
Kentucky for Sloans Valley cavers N The Hole News Oct. 96 Jan. 97
Kentucky Green River Grotto Y Green River Grotto Review Winter 94 Winter 95
Kentucky Kentucky Speleological Survey Y Kentucky Karst Winter 01 Winter 05
Kentucky Louisville Grotto Y The Karst Window Sept. 75 Jun. 94
Kentucky Pine Mountain Grotto Y Pine Mountain Fault 95 Dec. 07
Kentucky Somerset & Pulaski County Concerned Citizens N SPCCC Update Jan. 91 Jan. 91
Kentucky Western Kentucky Speleological Survey N Annual Report 82/83 82/83
Maryland Annapolis Grotto N Guano Gazette Spring 87 Fall 90
Maryland Baltimore Grotto Y Baltimore Grotto Bull Sheet Mar. 69 Mar. 70
Maryland Baltimore Grotto Y Baltimore Grotto News May. 65 May. 03
Maryland Maryland Cave Survey Y The Muddy Squeeze Feb. 70 Feb. 70
Maryland Sligo Grotto Y Subterranean Sun Jul. 77 Fall 95
Massachusetts Boston Grotto (Burkshire Hills Grotto) Y Massachusetts Caver Nov. 65 May. 94
Michigan Andrews University Area Grotto N Underground Movement Sept. 88 Dec. 88
Michigan Detroit Urban Grotto Y DUG Scoops Jan. 92 Oct. 02
Michigan Michigan Interlakes Grotto Y The Spelean Spotlight May. 80 Jan. 94
Michigan Pinckney Area Grotto Y PAG Newsletter May. 94 Jul. 94
Mississsippi North Mississippi Grotto N The Inside View Sept. (?) 76 Nov. 87
Missouri Chouteau Grotto Y The Foresight Jan. 60 Jul. 74 Feb. 82 95
Missouri Daedalus Cavers N Tunnel Vision Apr. 97 Jun. 00
Missouri Lake Ozark Grotto N Ozark Speleograph Apr. 84 Oct. 84
Missouri Meramec Valley Grotto Y Meramac Caver Apr. 83 present
Missouri Mid-Mississippi Valley Grotto Y The Underground Jun. 58 72 Nov. 86 Aug. 03
Missouri Missouri Speleological Survey Y Missouri Speleology Jan. 59 Oct. 74
Missouri Missouri Speleological Survey Y MSS Liason Jul. 65 Sept. 65
Missouri Missouri Speleological Survey Y MSS Newsletter Jan. 57 Dec. 58
Missouri Ozark Highlands Grotto Y The Ozarks' Underground Spring 89 Summer 89
Missouri Ozark Highlands Grotto Y Under the Highlands Mar. 89 Dec. 89
Missouri School of the Ozarks Troglophiles N The Underground Leader Oct. 72 Dec. 72
Missouri Speleological Society of America N SSA Speleologist Jan. 67 Jan. 68
Missouri Stygian Grotto Y The Stygian Gazette Oct. 96 Nov. 96
Montana Shining Mountains Grotto N Speleothem Jun. 64 Summer 76
Nevada Great Basin Grotto N Cave Lights Jan. 71 Jan. 71
New Jersey Central New Jersey Grotto Y Central Jersey Caver Mar. 90 Fall 97
New Jersey Northern New Jersey Grotto Y Speleothems 60 Spring 90
New Mexico Pajarito Grotto Y Windy Passages Jan. 91 Apr. 97
New York Cornell University Student Grotto N The Dripstone Jan. 63 Fall 78
New York Met Grotto Y Met Grotto News Jul. 71 Jun. 02
New York Niagra Frontier Grotto Y The Hole Truth Jul. 71 Sept. 71
New York Northeastern Region Y The Northeastern Caver Winter 81 present
New York Shawangunk-Catskill Area Grotto Y Bat Droppings Dec. 94 Dec. 94
North Carolina Charlotte C.A.V.E.R.S. Grotto N Charlotte Cavers Dec. 94 Jul. 96
North Carolina Flittermouse Grotto Y Der Fledermaus Oct. 82 Jul. 02
North Carolina Triangle Troglodytes Y Trogodyte Tribune Nov. 94 Jul. 03
North Carolina Triangle University Student Grotto N Carolina Cavers Apr. 68 Apr. 68
Ohio Central Ohio Grotto Y COG Squeaks May. 74 Jan. 05
Ohio Cleveland Grotto Y Cleve-o-grotto News Oct. 73 Jan. 07
Ohio Dayton Area Speleological Society N John House News Nov. 72 Vol. 4 75
Ohio Dayton Underground Grotto Y Carbide Courier Mar. 92 Mar. 01
Ohio Greater Cincinnati Grotto Y Electric Caver May. 71 Oct. 03
Ohio Miami Valley Grotto Y Cave Cricket Gazette Jun. 71 Apr. 01
Ohio Ohio Valley Region of NSS Y Ohio Valley Caver Winter 80 Spring 94
Ohio Southern Ohio Cavers N The Pit Oct. 80 Apr. 80
Ohio Standing Stone Grotto Y Standing Stone Grotto News Sept. 91 Winter 07
Oklahoma Central Oklahoma Grotto Y OK Underground Winter 70 90
Oklahoma Tulsa Grotto Y Sonar Mar. 82 Fall 03
Pennsylvania Bucks County Grotto Y Bucks County Diviner Apr. 86 Feb. 88
Pennsylvania Franklin County Cavers N Cumberland Valley Caver Oct. 82 Nov. 96
Pennsylvania Franklin County Grotto Y Mole Hole Scroll Jul.86 Jul. 86
Pennsylvania Greater Allentown Grotto Y Pack Rat Scat Winter 86 present
Pennsylvania Huntingdon County Cavers Y Cave Hunter Aug. 87 Aug. 95
Pennsylvania Loyalhanna Grotto Y Loyalhanna Troglodyte Spring 89 (?) 07
Pennsylvania Nittany Grotto Y Nittany Grotto News Summer 81 present
Pennsylvania Philidelphia Grotto Y Gone Caving Jun. 89 Jun. 90
Pennsylvania Philidelphia Grotto Y Philly Grotto News Mar. 95 Nov. 95
Pennsylvania Swarthmore Student Grotto N Guarcharo 63 66
Pennsylvania York Grotto Y York Grotto Newsletter Oct. 62 Aug. 01
South Carolina South Carolina Interstate Grotto Y Tunnel Vision Jan. 95 Sept. 95
South Dakota Paha Sapa Grotto Y Carbide Flash Jan. 83 Jun. 00
Tennessee Chattanooga & Nashville Grottos Y/Y Speleonews Apr. 61 Summer 98
Tennessee Chattanooga Grotto Y The TAGLine Mar. 99 Dec. 07
Tennessee East Tenessee Grotto Y Speleotype May. 04 Dec. 04 66 73
Tennessee Holston Valley Grotto N Bat Times Spring 81 85
Tennessee Mountain Empire Grotto Y Underground Mountaineer Jan. 86 Mar. 02
Tennessee Robertson County Cave Crawlers N Hodag Herald Dec. 93 Jun. 94
Tennessee West Tennessee Grotto (Memphis Grotto) N Twilight Zone Jul. 62 Jan. 92
Texas Dallas Ft. Worth Grotto Y Abuela del OZTOTL Aug. 86 Aug. 86
Texas Permian Basin Speleological Society Y The Hole News Oct. 04 Nov. 06
Texas Texas Speleological Society N The Texas Caver Feb. 82 Apr. 00
Texas Texas Speleological Society N TSA Activities Newsletter Feb. 93 Jan. 97
Utah Salt Lake, Timpanogos, & Wasatch Grottos Y/Y/Y The Utah Caver Mar. 89 Nov. 89
Utah Timpanogos Grotto Y The Underground News Apr. 85 Jul. 87
Virginia Blue Ridge Grotto Y Carbide Dump Jan. 74 Jan. 08
Virginia Madison University Student Grotto Y MSUG Quarterly Journal Jul. 84 Jan. 87
Virginia New River Valley Grotto Y Wild Dogs Experience Jun. 95 Jun. 95
Virginia Richmond Area Speleological Society Y The Brass Light Dec. 73 Sept. 82
Virginia Richmond Area Speleological Society Y RASS Register Sept. 82 Jun. 90
Virginia Shenandoah Valley Grotto N The Groundhog Oct. 83 Jun. 95
Virginia Virginia Area Region Y VAR Newsletter Mar. 82 Mar. 82
Virginia Virginia Area Region Y The Region Record Winter 71 Winter 71
Virginia Virginia Tech Grotto Y The Tech Troglodyte Fall 65 Spring 89
Washington Cascade Grotto Y The Cascade Caver Feb. 62 Sept. 73
Washington Oregon Grotto Y Speleograph Apr. 71 Nov. 94
Washington Xanadu Grotto N Xanadu Quarterly Spring 72 Fall 72
Washington DC D.C. Grotto Y DC Speleograph Nov. 87 Jun. 01
West Virginia Greenbrier Grotto N Carabiner Wrap Up Nov. 87 Aug. 91
West Virginia Monongahela Grotto Y Karst Kaver Oct. 72 Jan. 80
West Virginia Mountain State Grotto Y Doo-Dah Express Feb. 77 Feb. 77
West Virginia Potsylvania Spelunking Club N The Potsylvania Caver Apr. 82 Apr. 82
West Virginia Tri State Grotto Y Dead Dog Dispatch Oct. 87 present
West Virginia various West Virginia Caver Dec. 82 present
West Virginia WVACS WVACS Log Jul. 91 Jul. 91
Wisconsin Wisconsin Speleological Society Y Wisconsin Speleologist May. 61 May. 00
Wisconsin Wisconsin Speleological Society Y The Hollow Earth News Jul. 94 Dec. 97
Wyoming Hole in the Wall Grotto Y The Outlaw Jan. 82 Fall 91
Wyoming Vedauwoo Student Grotto N Algarond Sept. 75 Apr. 81

International Grotto Newsletters (by country)

Publications from Organizations

Organization Name of Publication Start Date End Date
"L. Wyth U." Down the Tubes 70 70
American Cave Conservation Association American Caves Apr. 86 Spring 05
American Geological Institute Earth science Fall 87 Summer 89
Arkansas Speleological Society AR Caver Oct. 63 67
Arkansas Speleological Survey Newsletter of the Arkansas Speleological Survey Fall 66 Spring 67
Bat Conservation International BATS Summer 90 present
British Cave Research Association Caves and Caving Summer 94 Summer 02
Cave Research Foundation CRF Annual Report Dec. 66 97
Cave Research Foundation CRF Quarterly Feb. 90 Dec. 03
Cleveland Museum of Natural History Explorer Spring 92 present
Cleveland Museum of Natural History Kirtlandia Feb. 94 Mar. 97
Florida Sinkhole Research Institute "/Update" Jun. 86 May. 88
Hoosier National Forest K.A.R.S.T May. 92 May. 92
Indiana Karst Conservancy IKC Update Apr. 86 present
Intercollegiate Outing Club Association IOCA Caver Oct. 57 Oct. 57
Karst Conservancy of Illinois Illinois Cave Watch Fall 03 Fall 04
Lechuguilla Cave Project, INC LCPI newsletter Nov. 92 Nov. 92
MAR MAR Breakdown Aug. 92 Aug. 92
Mid-Atlantic Karst Conservancy Karst Chronicle Winter 98 Winter 07/08
Missouri Department of Conservation Missouri Conservationist Mar. 00 Mar. 00
National Cave Rescue Commission NCRC Newsletter May. 87 May. 88
NSS Administrative Memo Apr. 82 Oct. 96
NSS BOG Meeting Feb. 87 Mar. 98
NSS Bulletin Jan. 62 Dec. 95
NSS Caving May. 75 May. 75
NSS Caving Information Series 1 40
NSS Journal of Cave & Karst Studies Apr. 96 present
NSS NSS News Jan. 62 present
NSS- Cave Diving Section Underwater Speleology Mar. 95 Mar. 95
NSS- Cave Rescue Section Muddy Litter Letter Jun. 91 Jul. 99
NSS- Cave Rescue Section Wilderness Response Fall 92 Fall 92
NSS- Conservation Section The Cave Conservationist Aug. 86 Dec. 07
NSS- Geology/Geography Section GEO2 Oct. 74 Oct. 06
NSS- Human Sciences Section People Underground Summer 88 Spring 92
NSS- Speleophilatelic Section Underground Post 91 2006
NSS- Survey & Cartography Section Compass & Tape Spring 91 Fall (?) 04
NSS- Vertical Section Nylon Highway Nov. 84 Mar. 99
Ohio Climbers' Association OCA Newsletter Oct. 95 Feb. 02
Ohio Department of Natural Resources Wild Ohio Spring 90 Summer 95
Ohio Division of Natural Areas & Preserves Division of Natural Areas and Preserves Newsletter Jun. 85 Fall 00
Ohio Geological Survey Ohio Geology Spring 82 Fall 05
Ohio Nongame & Endangered Wildlife Nongame Quarterly Fall 87 Fall 89
Southeastern Cave Conservancy Newsletter of the SCC Summer 94 Winter 96
The Explorer's Club The Explorer's Journal Dec. 78 Spring 03
The Nature Conservancy, VA Chapter Virginia Conservancy News Fall 91 Fall 91


Title Author Date Published Comments
A Geological Guide to Mammoth Cave National Park Palmer, Arthur N. 1981
A Guide to Batu Caves Soepadmo, E. and Ho Thian Hua 1971 leaflet
A Guide to Responsible Caving NSS leaflet
A Guide to the Geology of the Caves of the Acadian Coast (Convention) NSS 2002
A Homeowner's Guide to Northeastern Bats and Bat Problems Penn State 1995
A Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology with Special Reference to Environmental Karst Hydrology EPA 1999
A Systematic Guide to Making Your First Cave Map Ganter, John H. 1985 leaflet
ACCA Management Plan ACCA 1998
Adventures of Caving: A Practical Guide for Advanced and Beginning Cavers McClurg, David R. 1986
America's Neighborhood Bats Tuttle, Merlin D. 1998
An Introduction to Cave Mapping Missouri Speleology 1981
An Introduction to Cave Surveying Ellis, Bryan 1988 leaflet
Archeology of the Mammoth Cave Area Watson, Patty Jo. Ed. 1974
Ascent: Of the Invention of Mountain Climbing and Its Practice Bernstein Jeremy 1965
Basic Life Support Skills Manual Phillips, Charles, M.D. 1977
Basic Rockclimbing 1987 VHS
Bats (and Desert Toad bonus feature) 1995 VHS
Bats of America Barbour, Roger W. and Wayne H. Davis 1969 jacket badly ripped
Bats of the United States Harvey, Michael J. et al. 1999
Bats of the United States (copy 2) Harvey, Michael J. et al. 1999
Blind Descent Barr, Nevada 1998 fiction
Carlsbad Caverns National Park Radlauer, Ruth 1981
Carter Caves State Resort Park: A Living History Lewis, Jonathon F. 2004 first edition
Cave Conservation and Ethics VHS, 12min
Cave Fuana of Waitomo Giles, Catherine 1983 first edition, leaflet
Cave Gating NSS 1981
Cave Gating NSS 1981
Cave Life: Evolution and Ecology Culver, David 1982 jacket badly ripped
Cave Life: Evolution and Ecology Culver, David C. 1982 jacket badly ripped
Cave Sleuths Lindop, Laurie 2006
Cave of the Mounds: A Story of Water and Stone Cave of the Mounds, Inc. 1995 leaflet
Cavern Development in the Guadalupe Mountains Jagnow, David Henry 1977
Cavers, Caves, and Caving Sloane, Bruce. Ed. 1997 first printing
Caves in Kansas Young, James and Jonathan Beard 1993
Caves of Colorado Parris, Lloyd E. 1973
Caves of Indiana Powell, R.L. 1961 photocopied, bound with clips
Caves of Maryland Franz, Richard and Dennis Slifer 1976 Maryland Geological Survey
Caves of Mississippi Knight, Leslie et al. 1974
Caves of New Jersey Dalton, Richard F. 1976 Dept. of Environmental Protection
Caves of North Central West Virginia Garton, Ray and Mary Ellen 1976
Caves of Southeastern PA PA dept. of Environmental Resources 1974 map and booklet set
Caves of Southeastern Pennsylvania Reich, J.R., Jr. 1974
Caves of Tennessee Barr, Thomas C., Jr. 1972
Caves of Western PA PA Department of Environmental Resources 1976 map and booklet set
Caves of Western Pennsylvania White, William B. 1976
Caves: Processes, Development, Management Gillieson, David 1996
Caves: Processes, Development, Management Gillieson, David 1996
Caving Basics: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginning Cavers NSS 1992
Caving Practice and Equipment Judson, David. Ed. 1984
Caving in America: The Story of the NSS Damon, Paul H. Ed. 1991
Celebrated American Caves Mohr, Charles E. and Howard N. Sloane. Eds. 1955 book badly bowed
Convention Guidebook: Blacksburg, Virginia (Underground in the Appalachians) NSS 1995 map set
Convention Guidebook: Bellingham WA NSS 2006
Convention Guidebook: Brackettville, TX NSS 1994
Convention Guidebook: Colorado (The Caves and Karst of Colorado) NSS 1996
Convention Guidebook: Huntsville, Alabama NSS 2005 maps included
Convention Guidebook: Idaho (The Underground Gem) NSS 1999
Convention Guidebook: Marquette MI (By the Shores of Gitche Gumee) NSS 2004
Convention Guidebook: Oregon NSS 1993
Convention Guidebook: Porterville CA NSS 2003 errata in envelope
Convention Guidebook: Salem, Indiana (Caving in the Heartland) NSS 1992
Convention Guidebook: Sullivan, MO NSS 1997
Convention Guidebook: Tennessee (Journeys through TAG) NSS 1998
Convention Guidebook: West Virginia NSS 2000
Convention Guidebook: Yreka, California NSS 1990
Convention Program Guide: Bellingham WA NSS 2006
Convention Program Guide: Camden, Maine NSS 2002
Convention Program Guide: Marquette MI NSS 2004
Convention Program Guide: Porterville CA NSS 2003
Convention Program Guide: Sault Sainte Marie, MI NSS 1987
Convention Program: Blacksburg, Virginia NSS 1995
Convention Program: Brackettville, Texas NSS 1994
Convention Program: New York NSS 1991
Convention Program: Sullivan, Missouri (Explore the Cave State) NSS 1997
Convention Program: Yreka, California (Where the Lava Meets the Limestone) NSS 1990
Current Titles in Speleology BCRA 1987
Current Titles in Speleology BCRA 1988
Current Titles in Speleology BCRA 1986
Current Titles in Speleology BCRA 1989
Current Titles in Speleology Stratford, Tim 1982
Dark Life Taylor, Michael Ray 1990
Deep Into Blue Holes Palmer, Robert 1989
Descriptions of Tennessee Caves Matthews, Larry E. 1978
Directory of Caves in Australia and New Zealand Henderson, Kent and Denniss Rebbechi 1996
Discovery at the Rio Camuy: The Finding and Exploring of one of the largest caves in the West Gurnee, Russell and Jeanne 1974
Encyclopaedia Biospelogica, tome 1 Juberthie, C. and V. Decu. Eds. 1994 binder
Everest: Mountain Without Mercy Coburn, Broughton 1997 national geographic
Exploring Alabama Caves Geological Survey of Alabama 1973
Field Guide to Eastern Cave Bats Tuttle, Merlin and Jim Kennedy 2005 booklet
Field Trips in Midwestern Geology, vol. 2 Geological Society of America 1983
Groundwater Tracing Handbook Aley, Thomas 1999 published by Ozark Underground Laboratory, leaflet
Guide to the Caves and Karst of the Northeast NSS 1991
Guide to the Caves of Minnesota Minnesota Geological Survey 1967
In Ohio's Backyard: Bats Belwood, Jacueline J. 1998
KWI: About Us/ Introduction KWI
Karst Field Studies at Mammoth Cave Center for Cave and Karst Studies, WKU, Mammoth Cave Nat'l. Park 1987
Karst Geomorphology Jennings, J.N. 1985
Karst Hydrology: Concepts from the Mammoth Cave Area White, William B. and Elizabeth L. Eds. 1989
Karst In Florida Florida Geological Survey 1986 leaflet
Karst-O-Rama Guidebook CIG 1996
Les Animaux des Gouffres et des Cavernes (Animals of Grottos and Caverns) Siffre, Michel 1979
Living on Karst: A Reference Guide for Landowners in Limestone Regions Zokaites, Carol. Ed. 1997
Living with Karst: A Fragile Foundation American Geological Institute & NSS 2001
Living with Karst: A Fragile Foundation, copy 2 American Geological Institute & NSS 2001
Minnesota Underground And the Best of the Black Hills: Sinks, Caves, Disappearing Streams Green, Doris 2003
Mountaineering In Colorado: The Peaks about Estes Park Chapin, Frederick H. 1987
NSS 2001 2001 VHS
National Cave Management Symposium Proceedings: Bowling Green, KY NSS 1991
National Cave Management Symposium Proceedings: Carlsbad, NM NSS 1978/1980
National Cave Management Symposium Proceedings: New Braunfels, TX Jorden, Jay R. and Robert K. Obele. Eds. 1989
National Cave Management Symposium Proceedings: Rapid City, SD NSS 1987
National Cave Management Symposium Proceedings: Spring Mill State Park, IN NSS 1995
National Geographic: Blue Holes VHS
Natural History of Texas Caves Lundelius, Ernest L. and Bob H. Slaughter 1971
OTR program: 49th year 1998
On Rope NSS 1987 first edition
On Rope: New Revised Ed. NSS 1996
Physical Geology: Earth Revealed McGreary, David and Charles C. Plummer 1992
Proceedings of the National Cave Management Symposium: Bowling Green KY ACCA 1991
Rambles in the Mammoth Cave Bullitt, Alexander Clark 1985
SERA Guidebook Douglas, Joe 1991
SERA Guidebook TN Central Basin Grotto 1994
Single Rope Techniques: A Guide for Vertical Cavers Montgomery, Neil R. 1977 loose pages
SpeleoBrazil Latin American Speleological Federation 2001
Speleofest Guidebook 1995
Speleofest Guidebook Golden Pond and Louisville Grottoes 1997
Speleofest Guidebook Louisville Grotto 1986
Spe●leo●logy: The Study of Caves Moore, George W. and G. Nicholas Sullivan 1978
Springs Of Missouri Vineyard, Jerry D. and Gerald L. Feder 1974
Subterranean Climbers: Twelve Years in the World's Deepest Chasm Chevalier, Pierre 1975
Tales of Dirt, Danger, and Darkness Steward, Paul Jay 1998 fiction
The Bat House Builder's Handbook Tuttle, Merlin D. and Donna L. Hensley 1993
The Biological Resources of Illinois Caves and Other Subterranean Environments Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources 1993
The Blue Holes of the Bahamas Palmer, Robert 1985
The Cave DVD, 97min
The Cave of Altamira Ramos, Pedro A. Saura 1998
The Caves of Maryland Dep't. of Geology, Mines and Water Resources of Maryland 1950
The Clan of the Cave Bear Auel, Gean M 1980 fiction
The Complete Bat Robertson, James 1990 loose pages
The Depths of the Earth: Caves and Cavers of the United States Halliday, William R., M.D. 1976
The Descent 2005 DVD, 98min
The Eiger Sanction Trevanian 1972
The Exploration and Survey of McBride Cave, Jackson County, AL Chamberlin, G. Will and Marion Smith 1993 leaflet
The Indiana Bat Brack, Virgil, Jr. 1988/89 leaflet
The Life of the Cave: Our living World of Nature Mohr, Charles E. and Thomas L. Poulson 1966
The Longest Cave Brucker, Roger W. and Richard A. Watson 1976
The New Zealand Glowworm Frederikson, Rosalie 1984 leaflet
The Science of Speleology Ford, T.D. and C.H.D. Cullingford, Eds. 1976
The Swallow Holes of Lost River Malcott, C.A. 1952 leaflet
The Underground Atlas: A Gazetteer of the World's Cave Regions Middleton, John and Tony Waltham 1986
The Walulla Springs Project Stone, William C. Ed. 1989
The World Within: An Adventure in Cave Exploration VHS, 28min
Title Author Date Comments
Trailside: Make your own Adventure- Climbing Mt. Rainier 1995 VHS, 80min
Under Plowman's Floor Watson, Richard 1987 fiction
Underground Britain: A Guide to the Wild and Show Caves of the UK Bedford, Bruce 1985
Underground Worlds Jackson, Donald Dale 1982 broken spine, loose pages
Vermont Caves: A Geologic and Historical Guide Quick, Peter Gunder 1994
Vertical Caving Meredith, Mike and Dan Martinez 1986
Visiting American Caves Sloane, Howard N. and Russell H. Gurnee 1966
WV Geological Survey Davies, William E. 1994
Water Tracers Cookbook Missouri Spleological Survey 1976 vol 16.3, leaflet
Wind Cave: An Ancient World Beneath the Hills Palmer, Arthur N. 2001
Wisconsin Underground: A Guide to Caves, Mines, and Tunnels in and around the Badger State Green, Doris 2000
Yochib: The River Cave Steele, William C. 1985